Gaza On situation | Middle East Japan Society

Gaza On situation | Middle East Japan Society

Gaza On situation | Middle East Japan Society On Gaza situation Israel by air strikes start of the Palestinian Gaza Strip throughout the (month and day), further since the ground war rush (month and day), have followed serious situation. Direct had been triggered is and Israeli youth kidnapping murder in the West Bank of the attack, which in Israel repelled all at once arrest due rocket offensive that Hamas has started of Palestine to be nominal, Israel side [terrorist measures, and emphasizes that it is a military action for the [self-defense]. However, in practice, result in the de facto indiscriminate attack on Gaza is a densely populated area, you can not deny that the majority of people who are the victims are civilians. In addition, the first place that the Gaza Strip is an area that was occupied by Israel in the Six-Day War of the year, after 00 years of Israel formally of [withdrawal] is also placed under severe blockade, both residents [huge prison] also present in the root of the problem that has been placed under the harsh environments that are said.
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